A busy weekend, with a lot of talking about our marriage. We bought rings (wich was really fun to do) and talked with a priest. I really would like to marry in a church (maybe a bit old-fashion, but it makes the whole day complete for me). It seems that the organizing never ends: there is so much to do!
I stoped by a thrift shop and bought this beautiful camera. – My old camera collection is growing and growing – On saturday we eat a delicious winter meal called stamppot. And, good to know: I didn’t pick the ring in the picture.
Count your blessings was started by Anki. You can visit her blog for more blessings.
lijkt me heel bijzonder… ringen uitzoeken die de liefde symboliseren en je je hele leven gaat dragen….!
Spannend toch, zo’n trouwerij!